My name is Tobias Sutter and I recently finished my Master’s studies of Physics at the University of Vienna.

In the menu on top or by clicking here you can find out more about who I am and what I have done in the past. The short version of my main contact information is:
Address: Fechtergasse 16/17, 1090 Vienna
Phone: +43 664 3464618

⇒ For astronomers: You can find my Bachelor’s Thesis here.

⇒ For physicists: You can find my Master’s Thesis here.

In February 2021 I got the chance to present my Master’s Thesis work at the eleventh Central European Relativity Seminar (CERS11). A recording of my talk can be found here.

What I am currently working on:

Since December 2023 I am a PhD-student of physics in the Quantum Particle Workgroup led by Dr.  Beatrix C. Hiesmayr. There, I am working on quantum machine learning with special focus on quatum neural networks. The goal is to theoretically investigate their properties and capabilities, as well as its connections to other quantum information theoretic concepts such as entanglement.

Furthermore, I try to tackle unsolved physical problems also from the philosophical side by e.g. challenging widely accepted hypotheses. One example would be search for a physical theory without the inherent assumption of free will of the experimenter.  Objectively this seems more natural than the traditional viewpoint, unless one wants to deliberately put humans above nature itself. I wrote a short manuscript to summarize my argument.

Photo taken in December 2020 in Kobernaußerwald (Upper Austria)

Important information: This website is currently under construction. I will add content whenever I find time. In the meantime, if you want to know more about me or what I am doing, don’t hesitate to write me an email or call me.